How does it work?

BNI is a prominent business networking group and referral organization that actively supports the growth of businesses through strategic introductions and referrals. BNI chapters are made up of local business professionals from a variety of industries. Each chapter meets weekly to introduce their members to each other and to exchange referrals. BNI serves as a dynamic platform offering networking events for entrepreneurs, enhancing their opportunities to connect, collaborate, and expand their business networks.

  • Referrals
  • 121s
  • New Members
  • Education


Referrals are the lifeblood of BNI. When a member receives a referral from another member, it is a warm lead that is more likely to convert into a sale. BNI members are held accountable for generating referrals for their fellow members. They are also required to track their referrals and report their results at each meeting.


121s are one-on-one meetings between BNI members. These meetings are a great way to get to know your fellow members better and to build relationships. They are also a great opportunity to exchange referrals.

New Members

BNI is always looking for new members. When a new member joins a chapter, they are paired with a mentor who will help them get started. The mentor will teach the new member about BNI’s culture and procedures, and they will help the new member start generating referrals.


BNI offers a variety of educational programs to help its members grow their businesses. These programs cover topics such as sales, marketing, and networking. BNI also offers a certification program that recognizes members who have achieved a high level of success in the organization.